Carpet Milk Cup On Crochet - How To

Milk glass mat a creative piece made in crochet and a differentiated result that will appeal to all making huge success in its decoration with flowers appearing amid the carpet.

Material for Carpet Milk Yarn Cup

To make this beautiful piece of art takes a few materials and their crochet skills. Following the recipe and taking your questions in the Video class managed to make this beautiful glass of milk carpet.

Under shared need:

- 1 ball Baroque Decorate Luxury 530;

- 1 ball of Baroque Maxcolor n. 1449, 5767 and 8001;

- 1 crochet hook 3,5 and 4;

- 1 universal glue.

Carpet Milk Cup On Crochet - How To Carpet Milk Cup On Crochet - How To Reviewed by Reverendo Timothy on 16:04 Rating: 5

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