Tunisian flower learn to do this charm crochet-yarn

Beautiful flower, crocheted in the technique of Tunisian crochet, so it does not lose its shape and does not stretch. The flower can be made with steel wire frame, so that the predetermined shape is kept perfectly.

Few descriptions:
Petals are connected in one piece: first circle PTBs (6 - 12 - 18-24-30), then the petals in a chain of 13 Tunisian VP series (between two complete rows - one shortened 6 loops).

And there are three petal circle - the same. In each round, 5 petals, each petal - 10 circle loops. Between the petals there are no gaps. For some unknown Tunisian appliances - estkartinki. They can be clearly seen as a tally sang Tunisian knitting.

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Tunisian flower learn to do this charm crochet-yarn Tunisian flower learn to do this charm crochet-yarn Reviewed by Reverendo Timothy on 20:16 Rating: 5

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